Unit I

1.) 2 Marks
1. Define database management system?
2. List any eight applications of DBMS.
3. What are the disadvantages of file processing system?
4. What are the advantages of using a DBMS?
5. Give the levels of data abstraction?
6. Define instance and schema?
7. Define the terms 1) physical schema 2) logical schema.
8. What is conceptual schema?
9. Define data model?
10. What is storage manager?
11. What are the components of storage manager?
12. What is the purpose of storage manager?
13. List the data structures implemented by the storage manager.
14. What is a data dictionary?
15. What is an entity relationship model?
16. What are attributes? Give examples.
17. What is relationship? Give examples
18. Define the terms
19. Define single valued and multivalued attributes.
20. What are stored and derived attributes?
21. What are composite attributes?
22. Define null values.
23. Define the terms
i) Entity type
ii) Entity set
24. What is meant by the degree of relationship set?
25. Define the terms
i) Key attribute
ii) Value set
26. Define weak and strong entity sets?
27. What does the cardinality ratio specify?
28. Explain the two types of participation constraint.
29. Define the terms
i) DDL
ii) DML
30. Write short notes on relational model
31. Define tuple and attribute
32. Define the term relation.
33. Define tuple variable
34. Define the term Domain.
35. What is a candidate key?
36. What is a primary key?
37. What is a super key?
38. Define- relational algebra.
39. What is a SELECT operation?
40. What is a PROJECT operation?
41. Write short notes on tuple relational calculus.
42. Write short notes on domain relational calculus
43. Define query language?
44. Write short notes on Schema diagram.
45. What is foreign key?

2.) 16 Marks
1. Explain the architecture of DBMS with a neat block diagram
Storage manager
Query processor
Block diagram
2. Explain ER model in detail
Attribute set
Entity set
Mapping cardinalities
Relationship sets
3. Explain the design issues of ER-model
Use of entity sets Vs Attribute sets
Use of Entity sets Vs Relationship sets
Binary Vs Nary relationship sets
Placement of relationship sets
4. Explain the various relational algebra operations
Select operations
Project operations
Union operation
Set difference operations
Cartesian product operations
Rename operations
5. Draw an ER diagram for a banking enterprise
Data requirements
Entity sets
Relationship sets
ER diagram