DB questions

Unit III

Unit III

1.) 2 Marks
1. Give the measures of quality of a disk.
2. Compare sequential access devices versus random access devices with an example
3. What are the types of storage devices?
4. Draw the storage device hierarchy according to their speed and their cost.
5. What are called jukebox systems?
6. What is called remapping of bad sectors?
7. Define access time.
8. Define seek time.
9. Define average seek time.
10. Define rotational latency time.
11. Define average latency time.
12. What is meant by data-transfer rate?
13. What is meant by mean time to failure?
.14. What are a block and a block number?
15. What are called journaling file systems?
16. What is the use of RAID?
17. Explain how reliability can be improved through redundancy?
18. What is called mirroring?
19. What is called mean time to repair?
20. What is called bit-level striping?
21. What is called block-level striping?
22. What are the two main goals of parallelism?
23. What are the factors to be taken into account when choosing a RAID level?
24. What is meant by software and hardware RAID systems?
25. Define hot swapping?
26. Which level of RAID is best? Why?
27. Distinguish between fixed length records and variable length records?
Fixed length records
28. What are the ways in which the variable-length records arise in database systems?
29. Explain the use of variable length records.
30. What is the use of a slotted-page structure and what is the information present in the header?
31. What are the two types of blocks in the fixed –length representation? Define
32. What is known as heap file organization?
33. What is known as sequential file organization?
34. What is hashing file organization?
35. What is known as clustering file organization?
36. What is an index?
37. What are the two types of ordered indices?
38. What are the types of indices?
39. What are the techniques to be evaluated for both ordered indexing and hashing?
40. What is known as a search key?
41. What is a primary index?
42. What are called index-sequential files?
43. What are the two types of indices?
44. What are called multilevel indices?
45. What are called secondary indices?
46. What are the disadvantages of index sequential files?
47. What is a B+-Tree index?
Draw the structure of a B+ tree and explain briefly.
48. What is B-Tree?
49. What is hashing?
50. How do you create index in SQL?
51. Distinguish between static hashing and dynamic hashing?
52. What is a hash index?
53. What can be done to reduce the occurrences of bucket overflows in a hash file organization?
54. Differentiate open hashing and closed hashing (overflow chaining)
Closed hashing (overflow chaining)
55. What is linear probing?
56. What is called query processing?
57. What are the steps involved in query processing?
58. What is called an evaluation primitive?
59. What is called a query evaluation plan?
60. What is called a query –execution engine?
61. How do you measure the cost of query evaluation?
62. List out the operations involved in query processing
63. What are called as index scans?
64. What is called as external sorting?
65. Explain nested loop join?
66. What is meant by block nested loop join?
67. What is meant by hash join?
68. What is called as recursive partitioning?
69. What is called as an N-way merge?
70. What is known as fudge factor?
71. Define query optimization.

2.) 16 Marks
1. Explain RAID levels in detail
2. Explain file organization in details.
Sequential file organization
Clustering file organization
Heap file organization
Hash file organization
3. Explain indexing and hashing
Primary index
Multilevel index
Secondary index
Hash functions
Dynamic hashing
4. Explain B+ tree index in detail
5. Explain Query processing in detail.
Parsing and translation