Sql Functions for record

Grouping Functions:

Grouping functions may include either of the keywords DISTINCT or ALL.
ALL is the default if neither is specified and uses all selected rows in the calculation. DISTINCT uses only one row for each value in the calculation.


AVG(ALL 2,2,3,3,4) and AVG(2,2,3,3,4) both return 2.8.
AVG(DISTINCT 2,2,3,3,4) returns 3.

Grouping Functions and Parameters

Returns the average of the values in a set of rows

COUNT(expression) or COUNT(*)
Returns the number of rows in the set

Note: If you include an expression, COUNT returns only the number of rows in which the expression is not null.

COUNT(*) counts all rows. Since no HDW table contains nulls, COUNT(expression) and COUNT(*) are equivalent.

Returns the largest value from a set of rows

Note: See the GREATEST function if you want the largest of a series of values in a single row.

Returns the smallest value from a set of rows

Note: See the LEAST function if you want the smallest of a series of values in a single row.

Adds the value for all rows in the query or for all rows with the same values for columns listed in the GROUP BY clause

Numeric Functions and Parameters
Removes the sign, if any, returning a positive value
value2, …)
Returns the largest of the values in the list

Note: This function is used for multiple values in the same row. See the MAX function if you want the largest value from a group of rows.

value2, …)
Returns the smallest of the values in the list
Note: This function is used for multiple values in the same
row. See the MIN function if you want the smallest
value from a group of rows
decimal places)
Rounds a value to the specified number of decimal places

decimal places)
Cuts off a value at the specified number of decimal places

String Functions and Parameters
string || string
Concatenates string values
Note: The equivalent CONCAT function accepts only two
arguments and is more confusing in queries.
Converts a string to initial capital letters
Note: This function will convert “a,” “an,” and “the” to “A,”
“An,” and “The.”
Returns the number of characters in a string
Converts a string to all lowercase characters
SUBSTR(string,starting value,number of
Extracts a portion of a string
Note: If the starting value is 0, it is treated as 1. If thestarting-value is negative, Oracle counts backward from the end of the string. If the starting value is positive, Oracle counts forward from the beginning of the string.
Converts a string to all uppercase characters

Date Functions and Parameters
ADD_MONTHS(date, number ofmonths)
Adds the specified number of months to the date value(subtracts months if the number of months is negative)

Note: If the result would be a date beyond the end of the month, Oracle returns the last day of the resulting month.
Returns the last day of the month that contains the date
Returns the difference between two dates expressed as whole and fractional months

Note: If date1 is earlier than date2, the result is negative.

The result also takes into account time differences between the two values.
NEXT_DAY(date,day name)
Returns the date-time rounded to the unit specified by the format, or to the nearest day if no format is supplied

Note: For details on available formats, see the full description of functions
Returns the current date-time from the server where the database is located
Removes the time component from a date-time value

Conversion Functions and Parameters
Converts a date to a string in the specified format
Converts a number to a string in the specified format
Converts a string to a date using the specified format
Note: Oracle automatically converts dates in the standard
format of DD-MON-YYYY.
TO_NUMBER(string, format)
Converts a string to a number using the optional format if specified